With the availability of transport capacity primarily in United States, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, our group can offer a wide array of bandwidths including n x 64K, 2Mbps/E1, 45 Mbps/T3 and 155 Mbps/STM1.

Our central connection gateways can provide the “mid-point or Half circuit” to connect the far end telecom service providers.


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Point-to-point IPLC network configuration
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  • Ultra Fast Connections: IPLC provides a clear channel and dedicated use of bandwidth.
  • Rock Solid Reliability: IPLC is always ready.
  • Full protection of data privacy: Full protection of data privacy with a committed IPLC reserved for your company’s use.
  • Multi-Lingual: On-site customer training, local field engineering and China sales office support – (English, Putonghua, Cantonese) China NOC.